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Digital Museum
Has A Story

Secret collections reach the surface.

Aiming to contribute to the development of collectorship, TEB ÖZEL Digital Museum presents the stories of successful collectors to those interested.
Sarp Evliyagil
Has A Story

Sarp Evliyagil

Ajans Türk Corporate Group Chairperson, Founder of Evliyagil Museum and Evliyagil Dolapdere
“At the end of the day, the pleasure of sharing is well beyond the pleasure of owning.”
Erol Tabanca
Has A Story

Erol Tabanca

The President of Polimeks Holding and the Founder of OMM
“Art that is able to connect with society is more attractive to people.”
Has A Story

Jeff Hakko

Collector, Businessperson
“The collecting spirit is something different. You have to keep this spirit alive until the end of your life, for you know you cannot do without it”.
Şahin Paksoy
Has A Story

Şahin Paksoy

Painter, Sculptor and Collector
“I think, we as collectors, were able to save some artworks thus, we ensured that these works will reach future generations.”
Nejat Çuhadaroğlu
Has A Story

Nejat Çuhadaroğlu

Hisart Museum of Live History and Diorama - President of Çuhadaroğlu Group
A Passionate Adventure of 30 Years
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This Week on DM

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This Week on Digital Museum

Download the most beautiful photos from collections


In here, the most beautiful photos are remaining TEB Ozel Digital Museum collections. Select a photo and install it as a wallpaper in your computer.

You can set up the following application simply and turn your personal computer’s search screen to a gallery which exhibited parts from important collections.

Beautify your Google Chrome Browser
with this addition.


To discover a new photo and a new collection every tab that you open, you just need to install this extension.

Install Extension